
Reaching and climbing, with his fate revealed and his wisdom enhanced, the man puts his views and tenets to the test, forging the ascent of the mountain. What have his discoveries unveiled?

Boulder bound from woodland

Bore I arm-snake lore-led

Sorrow’s shadow shedding

Searching on, brow furrowed

Onward into unknown

Insight usurps onus

Lesser concepts consigned

Cold ageless truth boldened

Written in Dróttkvætt, a skaldic meter of praise Old Norse poetry

Blood falcon I follow

Fjord of the gods forging

Nigh hall of the highest

Heimdall of swords climbing

Behold my branch out reaching

Back to Urdr’s well and further

Borte fra, tilbake til asken Away, back to the ash (tree)

Bjarka brenner i hjarta The birch burns in the heart

Alm to mine of Mímir

Mind all, blind sight illume

Marrow halls of mountains

My fathers, in Ymir’s

Shower of wound fountain

My mothers, with them, of them

Kári’s breath kiss carries

Kin in echoes beckon

